

Boil an egg for 15 minutes. When cool, crack open and peel, paying special attention to the very thin lining just inside the shell. The lining is what you want to use. Peel a piece from the egg and place it over your boil and cover with a band-aid or something similar. The lining of the egg has squeezing properties and many claim that the lining will squeeze the boil to the surface overnight and many times may actually pop it for you.

Wrap a small piece of bacon fat (big enough to cover the boil) in gauze soaked in warm water. Replace the piece of fat as needed. Overnight, the boil is said to rupture under the fat.

Just before bed, apply a glob of warm oatmeal over the boil. Wrap the area with a bandage. The next morning, the boil is usually found to have broken open.

Fill a bottle half way with hot water (as hot as you can tolerate). Tip the bottle up so that the mouth of the bottle is firmly over the boil. As the water cools, the suction from contracting air. This will suck that boil to the surface, ultimately bursting open.

Cut a potato into slices and place directly on the boil. Wrap with cloth and leave overnight. By morning, they should have come to a head.

Sautee an onion slice about a quarter inch in size. Be sure to sautee in water until onion starts to become transparent. Apply to boil with a piece of we gauze or cloth over it to keep it moist. Secure in place. Results should be seen overnight.

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